How to determine the size of the slurry pump
The following is a detailed description of the method of determining the size of the slurry pump:

1. Collect relevant data
Slurry characteristics: solid particle type, size, shape, concentration, abrasiveness, viscosity, specific gravity and so on.
Conveying conditions: flow, head, suction height, piping arrangement, installation location, etc..
Environmental conditions: working temperature, corrosion, vibration, etc..
2. Select the appropriate pump type
According to the slurry concentration and abrasive selection: low concentration, abrasive slurry can choose wear-resistant alloy pumps; high concentration, high abrasive slurry can choose wear-resistant ceramic pumps or high chromium alloy pumps.
3. Determine the performance parameters of the pump
Flow: according to the process requirements to determine the required flow.
Head: according to the pipeline loss, suction height and other calculations of the required head.
Power: According to the flow, head and pump efficiency calculated from the required power.
4. Selection of suitable materials
Overflow parts: according to the corrosiveness and abrasiveness of the slurry to choose corrosion-resistant, wear-resistant materials, such as high chrome alloy, ceramics and so on.
Pump body: choose suitable material according to the working environment, such as cast iron, stainless steel, etc.
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